Dec 26, 2008

Java to Python source code transformation

Recently yava2python project was released. The core is based on java2tcl transformations. Test Java files included in the package give better performance than java2python, although the latter may better transform some other code.

Dec 14, 2008

Java to Tcl source code transformation - java2tcl

I have developed a Java to Tcl source code translator in TXL. As an object orientation XOTcl was choosen.
The results of this language source transformation project are not bad. There are a lot of simplifications in the translator, so in the most case it will require manual updates for the generated code.
In the future it is possible to add info about Java classes into translation process to let the translator know how to correctly transform invokes of third party classes.
But most probably the project will be stopped at the current state, since it wass a leisure time project and no commercial support was expected.